
The Light in the Dark

Hope is that which makes us live today as if tomorrow were yesterday. ~Unknown

light in the dark
At times we all experience challenging situations that can leave us mentally drained and short on optimism. Financial struggles with more bills than money, a diagnosis of serious illness, the loss of a loved one are all difficulties that can wreak havoc on our spirits. That is why hope is one of those absolute necessities of life. For without hope the trials and troubles of life would devour us. Hope can make the current difficulties bearable. If we believe tomorrow will be better we can bear the hardships of today. Hope helps us look past current circumstances to envision and capture the sight of a brighter future.

Today the people of Haiti are experiencing their darkest days. The Haitians have been devastated by “the worst natural disaster to strike the Western Hemisphere in the past century, estimates of the number of casualties are as high as 200,000, more than one million people were left homeless, and hundreds of thousands were injured.” For the survivors of this devastation, the much needed food, clothes, shelter and medical treatment is vital, however, hope is crucial for their continued mental, spiritual and even physical recovery. When you have lost everything, hope and the desire for a brighter future will be the only thing that can rekindle the faith, motivation and determination that is needed to truly overcome. Hope conquers despair and inspires endurance.

When life’s disappointments hit their hardest, you must do all you can to find that one thing you that you can hang onto and believe in. The thoughts we have create our reality. When our thoughts are more optimistic our vision for the future becomes brighter. A more positive vision causes us to change our actions. Our subsequent actions will become more productive in preparation for the hopeful future. This series of actions will work to bring about a more desired outcome. Under the worst conditions hope is that beacon of light that guides us through. Hope along with desire gives you the ability to believe in God’s plan for your life and the goodness he has in store.

Ken Brown is one of America’s most inspiring, insightful life coaches, motivational speakers, entrepreneurs and authors of the 21st century.  If you’re ready to change your life and make your dreams a reality visit

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