
The Pursuit of Excellence Pays Dividends

If you work for a man, for heaven’s sake work for him. – Kin Hubbard

pursuit of excellence
Have you ever heard the saying, “you get out of life what you put into it”? I can with all certainty vouch for the legitimacy in that statement. Life is just like a bank account. You can’t make withdrawals if you have not made any deposits. Your chosen profession or paid internship, as I like to refer to it, is no different. Whether you are the custodian or the CEO, it is extremely important to give full effort to whatever you do in life.

I knew at a very young age that I wanted to work in the food service industry. The organized chaos of the kitchen excited me. And I’ve always wanted to serve others with excellence. Ultimately my goal was to one day become the proprietor of my own restaurant. Therefore I approached every job I had as an intern would; with more emphasis on the on-the-job training rather than the pay check. I was working passionately in the business of others with the end goal in mind. Learning everything there was to learn about the business while providing excellent customer service. I went above and beyond to make every customer feel valued. However, the catch is, in order to work with this kind of passion and excitement you must first find the work for which you are best suited. If you dread going to work every day, then you are in the wrong line of work. Have you ever heard the saying “If you love what you do, you will never work another day in your life. That too is also true! You must find that thing that you can do that ignites excitement in you and work it with all the passion and enthusiasm you can muster. Every new opportunity I received to advance was offered to me when I was doing just that; working my paid internship with excellence. My passion and enthusiasm was noticed by someone who opened the door for an even greater opportunity.

Without a doubt your attitude will determine your altitude. A complacent callous attitude may hurt the company for which you work. However, ultimately you will pay the biggest price. The stagnation of your spiritual, mental and even financial growth will be your result. As a life coach, I make people understand that to successfully achieve their goals and dreams, you must truly commit to making your focus the pursuit of excellence in your life as a whole. You must begin where you are right now whether it’s to be the best on your job, in your marriage, to be the best parent. You must be totally dedicated to making this goal your daily focus. When you give your very best, you will gain the most.

Ken Brown is one of America’s most inspiring, insightful life coaches, motivational speakers, entrepreneurs and authors of the 21st century.  If you’re ready to change your life and make your dreams a reality visit

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