
Adversity the Road to Advantage

The gem cannot be polished without friction nor the child of God cleansed without adversity. ~Unknown

Road to Advantage
Life is an adventure, a journey, a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, twists and turns. It has moments of pure elation and times of despair. Sometimes the despair we suffer is due to the decisions that we’ve made and at times situations are simply out of our control. A failing economy, loss of employment, problems in a marriage; it’s all a part of life. No one promised that it would be easy, but without a doubt this is a journey worth taking. The quality of our lives is directly related to and determined by how well we master the art of “rolling with the punches“ or dealing with adverse situations. Adversity is inevitable and you may not like this but it is absolutely necessary. Why? Because adversity is the catalyst for great achievement, spiritual and mental growth, building up of character and gaining faith and determination that keeps us pushing forward towards achieving the desires of our hearts.

The diamond is one of our precious gems. Its name derived from ancient Greek; means unbreakable. It is formed from the tremendous pressure and heat of the earth that transforms carbon into something new. If you want to become greater, unbreakable and something new, then you too must be capable of enduring the pressures of life. To be all that you need and desire to be, you must first go through some things. With each disappointment, resistance that we overcome, we are rewarded. Our reward comes in the form of greater strength. When you workout at Bally’s or LA Fitness you do it to strengthen and tone your muscles, be healthier. The more resistance, harder you work, the stronger or more toned the muscles become. Adversity in some ways is our fitness spa for the inner self. That intangible you; mind and spirit. The more resistance that is applied, the harder you worker, the stronger your inner self becomes.

Adversity can also serve as a detour to a greater path. Right out of college, I was hired as an Assistant Food Service Director for a food service company. I was absolutely thrilled. I loved my job, worked hard and strived for excellence. I envisioned myself working my way up the ranks of that company and spending my entire career there. Within months of being hired I was fired and suffice it to say I was devastated. However, that event changed my career path and set me on an incredible journey to becoming the owner of two McDonald restaurants at the age of 35. Today I travel the country as a motivational speaker and life coach. I repeat, adversity is absolutely necessary!

From this day forward you must change the way you view the difficulties and adversities in your life. They are there to teach you, strengthen you and prepare you for the greater good that is in store. Recognize the opportunity to roll up your sleeves, face your challenges and overcome.

Ken Brown is one of America’s most inspiring, insightful life coaches, motivational speakers, entrepreneurs and authors of the 21st century.  If you’re ready to change your life and make your dreams a reality visit

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