Small Choices Make A Big Impact
A small decision now can change all your tomorrows. ~Robert Schuller
No matter where you are in life, good or bad, you made an appointment to be there. You may not agree with that, but it is absolutely true. God has blessed us with free will. We are free to choose religion, lifestyle, to be happy and even sad. Our lives overflow with choices. For every choice you make there are circumstances, consequences and events that are attached to it. The kind of choices that you make is usually based on one of two things, faith or fear. The thoughts we nurture dictate our attitude, our attitude determines the decisions we make and subsequently the actions that we take. It is truly astounding how the smallest, seemingly insignificant choices we make can have the greatest impact on our lives. Sometimes our dreams are but one small decision away from materializing.
Every day we are presented with opportunities, can you answer when they knock? Can you place yourself in the right place at the right time to make the right decision? It is extremely important to maintain a positive attitude. No matter what your current circumstances are, you must maintain a positive outlook on life. You must also align your life with God’s plan. That means finding his purpose for your life and pursuing it with all of your energy. Living in faith is also key, you must maintain the belief the power of God working in your life. When you are not living with an end purpose in mind and you let your fears and your current circumstances take control of your life, stagnation, mediocrity and even despair are the result.
The opportunity to take steps towards living a fulfilled life is present daily. When you actively pursue your purpose, and do so with faith, you place yourself in a position to answer the call when the opportunity is presented. Answering that one call could mean the difference between a life of fulfillment and prosperity or stagnation and mediocrity.
Ken Brown is one of America’s most inspiring, insightful life coaches, motivational speakers, entrepreneurs and authors of the 21st century. If you’re ready to change your life and make your dreams a reality visit